Dear Stress

Let’s break up … As a kid, I was always a high achiever. There really was no other way to be. My older siblings always did well in school, so it was naturally assumed that I would be no different. The thing my teachers didn’t realize is that I stressed out on...

Is play a priority in your life?

Let’s Play As spring is right around the corner (or so I hope), my need to play is rising up within me. I remember as a child coming home from school, doing my homework quickly and then running outside to play before dinner time. Just to be outdoors in the sun and...

Are you a Fortune Teller?

Then why do you expect others to be a mind reader?   Many times, when I am talking with friends or clients, I hear their frustration with people in their lives who won’t … respond to phone calls, emails … do what they think someone should be doing...