Let’s break up …
As a kid, I was always a high achiever. There really was no other way to be. My older siblings always did well in school, so it was naturally assumed that I would be no different. The thing my teachers didn’t realize is that I stressed out on every test I took, every report I wrote and every class lecture I sat through taking copious notes so I wouldn’t miss answers on tests. Stress became my go-to behavior when I needed to do well … to achieve!
What about you? Has stress become the norm for you?
You hear all the nasty effects that stress has on your health with the increased cortisol your body produces due to stress. According to a Mayo Clinic study, heart disease, sleep problems, weight issues, skin disruptions, etc. are created or exacerbated by having too much stress in your life. Stress is like a bad relationship turned toxic. Just break up with it!
One way to do that is to decide that stress is no longer what you need, breathe into that and replace it with more intentional self-care and designed loving behaviors. You deserve less stress and more happiness and joy in your life.
Here’s to your breakup with stress as I am breaking up also …

“Dear Stress,
You came into my life when I thought I needed you the most … to push me into doing things that I didn’t think I was capable of doing. Keeping me motivated even though it felt like a bit much. At first, we were good together. Then one day I realized that you were pushing me too hard and creating more worry and angst than I needed in my life. It wasn’t until I realized that everything you were doing to me was not something I wanted, that I knew we needed to break up. We just don’t work anymore.
I know after all these years, that not having you in my life will leave a void and I know that there is someone really special for me out there that will help fill that void … maybe happiness or joy or carefree. I just know we are not good for each other and have to move on.
I do hope that you can move on and that my true feelings will not cause you any pain. I only wish the best for both of us.
Take care,