








With everything that is going on now – over worked, remote work, uncertainty of work to come, are you finding it difficult to cope with it all? Decisions on almost anything seem exhausting and complicated. What used to be an easy task is now taking on so much complexity you are not even sure it is worth it. And, it’s your job … whether that job is in your career life or in your home life. Yet, you can’t not do your job! People are counting on you!

I understand how you are feeling. I’m also having those moments feeling like the smallest of mundane tasks (which I used to love doing) suddenly take on a whole different feeling. A simple example of this was when I went to the grocery store the other day. Keeping myself & others safe by masking up, paying attention to the time I went (the earliest I could go … 6 am … so there would be less people) and distancing from others all seemed so MONUMENTAL that it exhausted me … and it only took an hour! Even as I was leaving the store going to my car, a kind gentleman looked at me commenting … “sometimes it just doesn’t feel like its worth it.”  I sooooo get that!

In my work, each day feels like a week, each week feels like a month and every task takes a Herculean effort just to accomplish one simple thing – like writing a newsletter. This is when I begin to question, is it worth it? Am I supposed to be doing this “coaching” thing?

The answer is …  an emphatic YES!

I love what I do and love when I am coaching my clients. I love assisting them in discovering their own worth giving them the roadmap to their success in their career and life. I can’t not do it.

What about you? Are you having these questions pop up for you? Are you feeling the exhaustion that comes with work these days? Wouldn’t you like the roadmap?

Join me for a FREE Webinar …

A Roadmap for Creating Harmony, Balance & Appreciation in Challenging Times

If you’re feeling somewhat out of balance during these times wondering if it is worth it, then come on this webinar with me. Click here to sign up for the time that works best for you.

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