Discover What’s Next

Ever felt like you’ve lost a bit of yourself in the hustle of pleasing everyone around you, juggling family responsibilities, or being stuck in a job that hardly left room for your own dreams?

Now, picture this: the kids have grown, your spouse is looking to you for new adventures after retirement, or you’re at a crossroads, tired of the daily grind with no clear path ahead. It’s that moment when uncertainty creeps in, and change seems like a mountain to climb. Maybe there’s a fear of exploring the unknown or a nagging emptiness within that’s begging to be acknowledged.

Guess what? You’re not alone, and you’ve landed in the perfect spot.

I’m a life coach specializing in guiding amazing women aged 55 and beyond, just like you, to refocus on themselves. Let me help you rediscover and embrace those unique gifts of yours, shedding light on how you can leverage them.

Consider this your official invitation to embrace life on your terms, finding joy and fulfillment in ways you might not have considered before.

When women open up to me, I ask them a crucial question: “What do you want?” And more often than not, the answer is a hesitant, “I don’t know.” Why? Because, as women, we’re champions at putting others first. It’s admirable, but it can also mean putting our dreams on the back burner.

Let’s tackle this together. Have you stashed away dreams and desires, afraid to admit them even to yourself?

This is where I come into play. How can I help? I’ll guide you away from people-pleasing, helping you reclaim time for yourself and your dreams.

Together, we’ll unearth your authentic dreams and work towards turning them into your reality. I’ll be your support system, helping you navigate the fears and anxieties that come with change, ensuring you steadily move towards your dreams.

Let’s break free from hiding. I’ll equip you with practical tools to build habits and a mindset that empowers you to lead life on your terms.

You’ve got dreams, desires, and that deep yearning to rediscover yourself — let’s make those dreams a reality together.

FREE EBOOK: 5 Steps to a Better Version of You

Are you ready? Isn’t it time for you to become the best version you can be?

In only 5 steps, you can become that person who wants to be better, love better, and live better.

Hi, I’m Denise.

I’m a transformational coach that helps women live life how they want.

Before this, I worked in corporate for 20 years and told myself it was great. (Lies.) It wasn’t until I was laid off that I admitted I wanted something different anyway. So, I asked myself what the heck I wanted. The answer – helping women grow.

It was convenient since I also have a Masters in Counseling and a Life Coaching Certification, plus decades of life experiences (get my book) …

Denise Hansard, Life Coach

Denise Hansard
Life Coach and Founder

“I now know exactly what I want the end result to be.”

Working with Denise through regular 1:1 calls, helped me maintain high-level focus on the big things that I want to accomplish. The consistency of your coaching and message has built a strong foundation for me so that I can more easily make decisions and conduct more effective conversations because I know exactly what I want the end result to be. Your positive reinforcement and straight talk is exactly what I need to continue my growth journey.

Brenda Ward
VP, Green Industry

“There is no easy button for transformation. You didn’t get here overnight.

You won’t change overnight. But you CAN change and it can be the best thing you’ve ever done!”

~Denise Hansard

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