- Saying Yes when my mind screams NOOOOOOO! (and I know this “No” is only the fear talking)
Why did I decide to do this one (and it’s more of a personal thing for me) It’s really about me stopping myself from having fun. I’m great at committing to do things for others (attend Halloween events together, speak to groups, do my videos … either live or recorded). All of those things are either with a group or for my business. When it is just for me, I can find all kinds of excuses to not carry through on my commitments … fear grips me so I give up.
Over the past year, I’ve really upped my game on saying Yes to me and carrying through on that Yes. This past weekend was a great example of the carry through. I had signed up for an all-day Barn Tour in my area. I’d get to be around horses which I love and be outdoors on a beautiful fall day. I was really excited about it and had told many of my friends. When I learned it was going to be a self-guided tour, that old voice inside my head started telling me NO! It won’t be fun as you won’t know anyone, you have no one to go with you, yadda yadda! You get it. I’m happy to report that I drowned that voice and had a blast on the tour! This is what I’m talking about … not allowing that inner voice of fear to hijack my life and do fun things anyway even by myself. I’ve even made a few new friends.
- Kicking it Old School …. Going back to my roots … rediscovering my own purpose in this life and helping others to do the same
As you have heard me say many times in the past, I’ve been searching. Searching for where to go in my life (new home to live in, new programs to offer in my business) and what was important to me. As I reflected and researched, I opened up to allow my inner voice (my intuition) to direct me on that path. I’m so excited to have done this.
I now live in a place that brings me so much joy and happiness every DAY! I feel so blessed. And, going back to my roots of purpose, comfort zone, and manifesting based on my intuitive spirit has opened up so many opportunities … an upcoming summit, a spiritually aligned podcast interview just to name a few. When I live on purpose, life flows!
- Giving myself Permission to rest … so hard for me to do when all I’ve been conditioned to do it to DO! And, when I allow myself to rest, I get so much more done.
I’ve never been one to value the beauty of down time or a nap during the day. I’ve always been that go, go, go person pushing through until I was so exhausted I would break down in tears. Recently, I discovered my Human Design Archetype. (Google it. It’s a real thing.)
I am an Emotional Projector. That means that I have bursts of energy followed by needing down times for rest. That’s how I’m wired to be my very best. I’m still not there with naps. I do take downtime to walk, meditate, reflect which really allows me to be more creative and more productive. I seem to have more time in my day without pushing through. Such a healthier way to be!
The 1 thing I am giving up … feeling guilty. You see, as a perfectionist (DUH, Virgo much), everything I attempt to do is framed as “If you can’t do it perfectly, keep trying until you get it perfect!” That mantra wrapping itself in every brain cell I have is so limiting and has me carrying around so much GUILT!
What am I doing to kick this mantra of needing to feel guilty to the curb? Switching it up with a new mantra.
“I’m no longer available for perfection and the guilt that comes with not having achieved it.”
Yep, that’s it! And, of course, doing the work behind this age old pattern to heal myself and my limiting behaviors so I can allow myself to be perfectly imperfect.
What about you? What new things are you trying and what are you letting go of?
I’d love to know … email me at denise@denisehansard.com
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