If you’re in the corporate world or just a listener of news, you have heard the term quiet quitter. A recent Gallup poll stated that 50% of the workforce qualify as quiet quitters.
What exactly is quiet quitting?
Quiet quitting refers to doing the minimum requirements of one’s job and putting in no more time, effort, or enthusiasm than necessary. As such, it is something of a misnomer since the worker doesn’t leave their position and continues to collect a salary.
My question on this …
Does this behavior of quiet quitting go beyond the work environment? How about in relationships? In goals or hobbies or projects?
Yes, it does. Examples: the relationship is harder than you want it or the expectations for the relationship are harder than what you want, so you only do what is absolutely necessary to keep it limping along. This is any relationship … partnership, parenting, and friendship.
Another example: You begin a project or start a new hobby. You love it but when you show your work to others, they dismiss it. Why continue if no one is going to appreciate what you’re doing. So, you continue as everyone expects you to, but you never finish.
What does this do to you?
Mentally, you feel defeated creating more exhaustion in your life. Physically, your behavior of giving up becomes a pattern creating feelings of failure.
There’s so much more I can talk about here and I believe you get it.
Awareness is key.
Where are you quietly quitting in your life?
Answer this one question and do what is needed to choose change.
The impact of choosing your behavior leads to a more fulfilling life.
Don't Miss A Step!
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