At this time of year, you may find yourself feeling the hustle and bustle of getting everything done. From decorating the house, buying the gifts, wrapping the presents, sending out cards and making arrangements to visit with family and friends. In the midst of all this, do you ever find time to slow down?

I was out shopping the other day finding all the parking spots taken and tons of people scurrying about trying to get it all done before moving on to the next thing on their to-do list. The other thing I noticed was that people were so busy in their scurrying that they were not aware of what was going on around them with cars driving recklessly through an open mall parking lot not seeing the potential for horrific accidents. I cringed and was very grateful that nothing went amiss.
It was at this moment that I realized the greatest gift everyone could give themselves and others was the ability to slow down and enjoy the season.

What about you? Are you taking the time to be in the moment allowing yourself to slow down, to be present to what is going on around you, to being grateful?

The best way to do this is to pause, breathe, and feel the love that is within you and within others. Share a smile. Hold the door for someone. Allow a car to merge in front of you.

It is the gift of slowing down, to be in this moment that is your greatest gift.  



To the holidays!


Don't Miss A Step!