Change, growth, transformation … no matter what label you put on it, have you had enough of it? I mean, it is exciting & exhausting; inconvenient & necessary; and it is wayyyyyyy to uncomfortable when it happens so much of the time.


And, change is inevitable. One of my most favorite quotes is by Robin Sharma.

Change is hard at first,
Messy in the Middle, &
Gorgeous at the end.

It’s the journey through the change that has people sometimes giving up, staying stuck, and just totally overwhelmed. I know as all of that was once my life. I was wanting more (& I was scared,  frightened, plain terrified for more). So I pushed the “more” of what I was wanting away from me.

More love, more money, more happiness in my career. More of it all. Yet, I hid out in my pain of not having. I struggled with the ego mind not allowing me to even believe I could have it. And, I kept on asking for the “more”.

It wasn’t until I looked at the price I was paying for not trusting in the belief of me, allowing my faith to carry the burdens I had placed upon myself, that I was able to open up to the Gorgeousness of Change!

What happened? And how can you also step into the gorgeous beauty of change?

Let me tell you a story …

“As the day awoke with the birds chirping so gayly no one could not be happy, the tragedy of her life engulfed her soul. So much so that even she couldn’t find the happiness that the birds were gifting her. Yet, she once again trudged out of bed to put on her “happy face” so others wouldn’t know the deep sadness and pain she constantly held onto like a life raft.

As the months wore on, the façade of her happiness began wearing thin. Almost like the universe was lifting the veil so others could see her … All the ugliness that she had been hiding for so very long that even she was wearing thin herself. She was becoming exhausted by staying so stuck in her misery that she was sick! Sick and tired of being sad. Sick and tired of being “not fun” when she used to be the light people gravitated to when in a room. Just Plain Sick & Tired!

That was when she just chose differently. She decided that she would try this change or growth that everyone around her was telling her about. She vaguely remembered way back in the day when she took risks. She asked questions of herself and others that made them uncomfortable along with making them think. That was who she used to be. With that choice on that day, she remembered who she was before the event. In that remembrance, she chose to step into who she used to be.”

As with all stories in life, there is a bit of truth about ourselves that we share when telling a story. That is true here. This was once me. This was pretty much how my transformation for my life helped me to become who I am today. There is more to the story as there always is. (Suffering in Comfort: How owning your choices will set you free)

The discomfort became more important than the pain of suffering in this comfort I had created for myself.

There is no way around the discomfort, inconvenience or exhaustion around growth … sidestepping it trying to not have to go through the messiness of change/growth.  And there is a way through it. And it can be easy if you choose it to be.

The first step for this is recognition of where you are at this moment. Look at you and see where you really are. Unmask you. See you as only you can see you.

Then, choose. Choose you to decide for the “more” of what you want in your life.

This one choice will change your life. If you’re ready for that more, message me at

Isn’t it time for you to be on the other side of change … in the gorgeousness of the end.

Only you can say “Yes” to you.

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