Change is a process

Change is inevitable. It is that process of becoming different. It is always a choice.  Sometimes it happens because you choose it. Other times it happens because it chooses you.How to Change with grace … Be open To listening to what others have to say not...

Why are we so mean?

To our own self? There is a common phenomenon, for women especially, that no matter how successful they are – they still talk ‘Trash’ to themselves. You know that little Mean Girl voice inside that only you listen to and respond to and would never say out loud to...

Why do we retreat?

Do you retreat as a way to escape, to withdraw, usually from the everyday challenges at work or at home? Or you may just want to run away from what you perceive as an epic failure you have experienced. You may even think about retreat as a way to seek sanctuary or...

Accessing the Power of Gratitude

The practice of gratitude as a tool for happiness has been in the mainstream for years. Long-term studies support gratitude’s effectiveness, suggesting that a positive, appreciative attitude contributes to greater success in work, greater health, peak performance in...

Dear Stress

Let’s break up … As a kid, I was always a high achiever. There really was no other way to be. My older siblings always did well in school, so it was naturally assumed that I would be no different. The thing my teachers didn’t realize is that I stressed out on...

Is play a priority in your life?

Let’s Play As spring is right around the corner (or so I hope), my need to play is rising up within me. I remember as a child coming home from school, doing my homework quickly and then running outside to play before dinner time. Just to be outdoors in the sun and...

Are you a Fortune Teller?

Then why do you expect others to be a mind reader?   Many times, when I am talking with friends or clients, I hear their frustration with people in their lives who won’t … respond to phone calls, emails … do what they think someone should be doing...

Your Navigation System

“Uh, Denise, are we in the right place?” A friend of mine nervously asked me this on one of our road trips together. You see my navigation system had taken us off the main roads due to traffic. I must admit we were not in what felt like the safest of places. I was...

The mask you wear

This is the time of year that reminds me of being a child dressing in a costume with a mask that totally kept me hidden from being who I really was. The costume I remember the most was being Cinderella. Wearing the mask of Cinderella changed me. I walked with my head...

The "F" word … it’s not what you think

FINE As I was beginning a call with a potential client, I started the call with “Is this still a good time for you?”. I asked as she sounded a bit distracted. I wanted to make sure nothing bad had come up and she was trying to figure out how to reschedule. Her...