Let it go, Let it go ….

As we near the end of 2014, there may be some of you whom are feeling the pull of CHANGE!  And to be able to CHANGE, you will need to let go of some things. For me, I am feeling this way.  I have realized that there are some things in my life that I just need to...

Change Means Letting Go …

When I made a choice to grow in my business through a “different” type of coaching program back at the end of 2013, I had no idea what that would mean … for me and for my business. That coaching program was a hard core, in your face, do what I say or FAIL...

How Are You Growing?

How are you Growing? Back in November 2013, I made a choice for how I wanted my business to grow.  I made the choice to step into a program that scared the crap out of me and pushed me to move outside my comfort zone.  That program was Hell Yeah Star! My growth with...